A slice of life on 10 acres in the woods. Thoughts on raising 4 sons, guiding 4 grandsons, keeping up a 35 year marriage, maintaining friendships, finding memories, and trying to follow God on the journey.

Monday, March 06, 2006

"We need to cook the turkey and free up some freezer space." Angus said. He was thinking about the fresh beef we will have next week when we have the steers butchered. He was thinking about Zeke coming home for 10 days of Spring Break this weekend. With all the boys home the turkey idea sounded great. Angus wanted to invite his parents as well...and, maybe, his nephew and wife. Okay, sounds good.

Hmmm, probably should invite his big brother. And his other brother, too. Oh, yes and he told me he also invited his sister. Then he'd have to invite his other sister even if it would be unlikely that she could make it. You can't invite everyone and not her (and her 5 big kids)! He was right of course. And Zeke invited his girlfriend (who ended up bringing a friend with her).

Somehow a nice little Sunday dinner with the family turned into a major cook-&-clean-all-weekend feast event. We weren't sure whether there would be 10 people or 20. We brought the long table up from the basement and more dishes...just in case. Dug out the tablecloths and the folding chairs, too.

We ended up with 13 family members gathered in holiday fashion on a regular ol' Sunday. There was barely enough food but much conversation and laughter and love. We discovered that there is as much to be thankful for around a big turkey dinner during Lent as there is in November.

We may just have begun a new family tradition!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thank you for your kind words regarding my recent blog regarding Barney Fife. I referenced him in my Sunday sermon....such an impact from an unlikely hero.

I paid a visit to your blog page and enjoyed the glimpses of your life and family. I especially enjoyed the one about your sons coming home for Christmas. My wife and I have 3 sons and I identified very well with what you experienced.

Best wishes and blessings from the One who loves us best,

Gary Cleveland