A slice of life on 10 acres in the woods. Thoughts on raising 4 sons, guiding 4 grandsons, keeping up a 35 year marriage, maintaining friendships, finding memories, and trying to follow God on the journey.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

rain...Glorious Rain

would we appreciate it if it came
in weekly intervals of 1 inch
all through the growing season
just like the gardening books recommend?

rain...Glorious Rain!

Yes! Thunder, keep me awake all night long!
Yes! Drip & drizzle all over my freshly washed car!
Yes! Make mud in the path and puddles in the parking lot!

Rain...Glorious Rain!

Rain out the ball game
make soccer practice into a Slip 'n Slide!
Rain til the rock-hard earth with its spikey brown haircut
sighs and dissolves into a mooshy, squishy carpet

Rain til the tomatoes burst with joy
Who will complain?

rain, glorious rain...


Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm still here and enjoying, with pleasure, the way you write.... plus your poems. You are the only person's blog I read. I feel like I was led to it. I believe you were the second one I had opened when I found you, and stopped looking after that.

You seem to have a great outlook on life... keeping it as positive as can be, and I'm gonna look up Chap 4 of Max lucado's book.

I have 2 daughters, and no sons. I think I would like to have some sons, but it "ain't" going to happen :)

Peaceful joy,

Hazel said...

Thanks for the props, Parker. Some days I feel inspired and some days I just need to vent. Some days I feel I have something to say and must spill it out of me or burst. Sometimes I'm empty...I hate that.