A slice of life on 10 acres in the woods. Thoughts on raising 4 sons, guiding 4 grandsons, keeping up a 35 year marriage, maintaining friendships, finding memories, and trying to follow God on the journey.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
CJ was in town so I gathered the boys for a snapshot before he left. Remember when the kids are little and you want to get a picture of them all together? One refuses to smile.
One looks in the wrong direction.
One grins like he ate dogdoo. One does something dumb just as the photo is snapped (picks his nose, bunny ears, crosses his eyes, etc).
Well, it doesn't change when they get big enough to know better. After many goofy shots I finally got one where none were laughing or making a dumb face.
Turns out I like the funny ones better. Can you tell which son has his pants around his knees and which one is proud to have done it?
I'm guessing 2nd from right lost his pants.. and far right pulled them down.
how do they like being your blog boyz?
Correct! Their faces tell it all.
The guys pretty much don't figure anyone reads anything I'd write anyway.
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