A slice of life on 10 acres in the woods. Thoughts on raising 4 sons, guiding 4 grandsons, keeping up a 35 year marriage, maintaining friendships, finding memories, and trying to follow God on the journey.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

We know a guy who took his own pins out. Zeke told me this as he was waiting for the surgery to have his taken out. The surgery took about a half an hour, although the waiting before hand was closer to an hour. He still has to wear the brace but is supposed to try to start moving his fingers and turning his wrist a bit.

He was at church camp all week, disappointed that he still couldn’t play the guitar but happy to in the process of winding this all up. The pix is Zeke pretending he was dead while being extremely bored waiting for the surgery. His way of keeping things light.

He and Beau returned yesterday giddy with the good experiences they’d had at Camp. It was wonderful to see them laughing and joking together. I had missed them …and also enjoyed them gone and glad to have them both back. Beau had only been home an hour from the Sonshine Fest before he had to leave for Camp Galilee so I hadn’t seen him for awhile.

One of the girls at Sonshine had dyed his hair red. Lordy! Photo is Beau before the hair went red. He and his buddies bought Spiderman suits at the local WalMart up there. Of course, they are child sizes so they were scrunched into them. They wore them to one of the concerts and as they were walking up to the venue a big guy spotted them and lifted Beau above his head, “Hey, Spiderman is here! Send him to the front!” then the crowd bodysurfed him right to the very front! They did the same to his buddy. He said it was AWESOME.

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